Liste des articles parus de 2013 à 2016

Liste des articles parus de 2013 à 2016

Liste des articles parus de 2013 à 2016

Liste des articles parus 2013

1. Atek M, Traissac P, El Ati J, Laid Y, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Eymard-Duvernay S, Mézimèche N, Bougatef S, Béji C, Boutekdjiret L, Martin-Prével Y, Lebcir H, Gartner A, Kolsteren P, Delpeuch F, Ben Romdhane H, Maire B: Obesity and association with area of residence, gender and socio-economic factors in Algerian and Tunisian adults. PLOS One 2013, 8(10):e75640. [JCR 2013 IF=3,730]

2. Gartner A, Berger J, Bour A, El Ati J, Traissac P, Landais E, El Kabbaj S, Delpeuch F: Assessment of iron deficiency in the context of the obesity epidemic: importance of correcting serum ferritin concentrations for inflammation. Am J Clin Nutr 2013, 98(3):821-826. [JCR 2013 IF=6,504]

3. Haouari-Oukerro F, Ben-Attia M, Kaâbachi N, Haouari MRamadan fasting influences on food intake consumption, sleep schedule, body weight and some plasma parameters in healthy fasting volunteers. AJB 2013 12(21):3327-32. [JCR 2013 IF=0,570]

4. Holdsworth M, El Ati J, Bour A, Kameli Y, Derouiche A, Millstone E, Delpeuch F: Developing national obesity policy in middle-income countries: a case study from North Africa. Health Policy and Planning 2013, 28:858-870. [JCR 2013 IF=3,056]

5. Alouane L, Ghrissi A, Benkhaled I. Dietary habits of postpartum mothers during breastfeeding. IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Grenada (Spain), September 15-20, 2013. [Abstract Published in: Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2013, 63(suppl1) 412]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,661]

6. Aounallah-Skhiri H, El Ati J, Traissac P, Eymard-Duvernay S, Ben Romdhane H, Hsairi M, Delpeuch F, Maire B : Diet quality differences in urban and rural adolescents and socioeconomic associated factors. A Tunisian study. IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Grenada (Spain), September 15-20, 2013. [Abstract Published in: Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2013, 63(suppl1) 760-761]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,661]

7. Bour A, Ayyat O, Gartner A, Landais E, El Ati J, Maire B, Traissac P, El Hsaini H, Al Karim Y, Delpeuch F: Physical activity and nutritional status of women in procreative age in Morocco and their relationships with sociodemographic characteristics. IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Grenada (Spain), September 15-20, 2013. [Abstract Published in: Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2013, 63(suppl1) 1081]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,661]

8. El Ati J, Gartner A, Traissac P, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Ben Rayana C, Beji C, Berger J, Delpeuch F: Low prevalence of intra-individual double burden of malnutrition in urban Tunisian children. IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition. Grenada (Spain), September 15-20, 2013. [Abstract Published in: Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2013, 63(suppl1) 994]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,66

+9. El Ati J, Traissac P, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Beji C, Eymard-Duvernay S, Ben Romdhane H, Maire F, Delpeuch F: Promoting education and professional Insertion of women is key for reducing the obesity gender gap in North-Africa: evidence from Tunisia. IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Grenada (Spain), September 15-20, 2013. [Abstract Published in: Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2013, 63(suppl1) 830]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,661]

10. Gartner A, El Ati J, Bour A, Ayyat O, Landais E, Maire B, Traissac P, El Hsaini H, Al Karim Y, Delpeuch F: Do we need to correct serum ferritin for inflammation to assess iron deficiency in obesity-ridden settings? Example in urban morocco. IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Grenada (Spain), September 15-20, 2013. [Abstract Published in: Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2013, 63(suppl1) 880] ?[JCR 2013 IF=1,661]

11. El Ati J, Hsairi M, Gartner A, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Traissac P, Ben Rayana C, Haddad S, Delpeuch F: Gender obesity-related high-density lipoprotein level inequities in North African adults. ECO 2013 - 20th European Congress on Obesity: 12-15 May 2013; Liverpool, United Kingtom. [Abstract Published in: Obes Facts 2013, 6(suppl 1): 217] [JCR 2013 IF=3,992]

 12. Alouane L, Fridhi G. Recherche de l'atrophie musculaire chez une population de personnes âgées institutionnalisées tunisiennes. 11èmes journées francophones de nutrition, Bordeaux (France), 11-13 décembre 2013. [Abstract Published in: Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 2013, 27(suppl1) S149 [JCR 2013 IF=0,297]; Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique 2013, 48, S149] [JCR 2013 IF=3,120]

13. Selmi S, Toujani N. Effet de fumage sur la qualité chimique et microbiologique des filets de maquereau Scomber scombrus. 11èmes journées francophones de nutrition, Bordeaux (France), 11-13 décembre 2013. [Abstract Published in: Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 2013, 27(suppl1) S124 [JCR 2013 IF=0,297]; Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique 2013, 48, S124] [JCR 2013 IF=3,120]


Liste des articles parus 2014

1. Ben Romdhane H., Ben Ali S., Aissi W., Traissac P., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Bougatef S., Maire B., Delpeuch F., Achour N. Prevalence of diabetes in Northern African countries: the case of Tunisia. BMC Public Health 2014, 14 (1):86. [JCR 2013 IF=2,076]

2. Ben Salah N., El Borgi W., Chelbi A., Ben Lakhal F., Gouider E., Aounallah Skhiri H., Hafsia R. Diagnostic de lignée dans les leucémies aigues : confrontation entre cytologie et immunophenotypage. Pathol Biol (Paris). 2014 Sep 3. doi: 10.1016/j.patbio.2014.05.018. [Epub - impression en cours.]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,672]

3. Ben Gharbia H, Gartner A, Traissac P, Delpeuch F, Maire B, El Ati J. A frequency questionnaire to estimate free-living physical activity among Tunisian preadolescent and adolescent children. Public Health Nutr 2014, 17(10):2253-2262 [Epub 2013/10/16] [doi:] [JCR 2013 IF=2,48; Rang 45/162 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health]

4. El Ati-Hellal M., Hellal F., Hedhili A. Application of Plackett-Burman and Doehlert designs for optimization of selenium ?analysis in plasma with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Clinical Biochemistry, 2014, 47:95-100.

5. Gartner A., El Ati J., Traissac P., Bour A., Berger J., Landais E., El Hsaini H., Ben Rayana C., Delpeuch F. A Double Burden of Overall or Central Adiposity and Anemia or Iron Deficiency Is Prevalent but with Little Socioeconomic Patterning among Moroccan and Tunisian Urban Women. J Nutr 2014, 144(1):87-97 [Epub 2013/11/08] [doi:]. [JCR 2013 IF=4,23; Rang 11/79 Nutrition & Dietetics]

6. Pisa P.T., Landais E., Margetts B., Vorster H.H., Friedenreich C.M., Huybrechts I., Martin-Prevel Y., Branca F., Lee W.T., Leclercq C., Jerling J., Zotor F., Amuna P., Al Jawaldeh A., Aderibigbe R.O., Amoussa W.H., Anderson C.A., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Atek M., Benhura C., Chifamba J., Covic N., Dary O., Delisle H., El Ati J., El Hamdouchi A., El Rhazi K., Faber M., Kalimbira A., Korkalo L., Kruger A., Ledo J., Machiweni T., Mahachi C., Mathe N., Mokori A., Mouquet-Rivier C., Mutie C., Nashandi Hilde L., Norris S.A., Onabanjo O.O., Rambeloson Z., Saha Foudjo B.U., Ubaoji K.I., Zaghloul S., Slimani N. Inventory on the dietary assessment tools available and needed in Africa: a prerequisite for setting up a common methodological research infrastructure for nutritional surveillance, research and prevention of diet-related non-communicable diseases. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2014:0. [doi:]. [JCR 2013 IF=5,55; Rang 4/79 Nutrition & Dietetics]

7. Ben Ali S., Belfki-Benali H., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Traissac P., Maire B., Delpeuch F., Achour N., Ben Romdhane H. Menopause and Metabolic Syndrome in Tunisian Women. BioMed Research International 2014, volume 2014, Article ID 457131, 7 pages [] [IF=2,706].

8. El Ati J, Hsairi M, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Traissac P, Gartner A, Ben Gharbia H, Ben Rayana C, Delpeuch F. Gender difference in intra-individual double burden of malnutrition among urban Tunisian adults (oral presentation). ECO 2014 - 21th European Congress on Obesity: 28-31 May 2014; Sofia, Bulgaria; [Abstract Published in: Obesity Facts 2014, 7(Suppl.1):31] [doi:]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,583]

9. Aounallah-Skhiri H, El Ati J, Traissac P, Gartner A, Ben Gharbia H, Hsairi M, Ben Rayana C, Delpeuch F. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and associated behavioural factors in Tunisian adolescents (poster). ECO 2014 - 21th European Congress on Obesity: 28-31 May 2014; Sofia, Bulgaria; [Abstract publié dans: Obesity Facts 2014, 7(Suppl.1):173] [doi:]. [JCR 2013 IF=1,583]

10. Aounallah-Skhiri H., El Mhamdi S., Traissac P., K. Ben Salem, El Ati J., Hsairi M. Obésité et hypertension artérielle en milieu scolaire : prévalence et association. Monastir, Tunisie. 6ème Congrès International d'Épidémiologie ADELF - EPITER: 10-12 septembre 2014; Nice, France. [Abstract Published in: Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2014, 62 (Suppl. 5):S203] [doi:]. [JCR 2013 IF=0,686]

11. Traissac P, Aounallah-Skhiri H, El Ati J, Martin-Prével Y, Delpeuch F, Maire B. La modernisation de l'alimentation des adolescents diminue-t-elle sa qualité ? Tunisie. 6ème Congrès International d'Épidémiologie ADELF - EPITER: 10-12 septembre 2014; Nice, France. [Abstract Published in: Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2014, 62 (Suppl. 5):S222] [doi:]. [JCR 2013 IF=0,686]

12. El Mhamdi S., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Mejdoub Y., Trimech F., Hsairi M., Essid H., Ben Salem K. Surcharge pondérale et obésité chez les adolescents scolarisés de la ville de Monastir (Tunisie) en 2011. 6ème Congrès International d'Épidémiologie ADELF - EPITER: 10-12 septembre 2014; Nice, France. [Abstract Published in: Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2014, 62 (Suppl. 5):S213-254 [JCR 2013 IF=0,686]

13. Bour A, El Ati J, Rjimati EA, Delpeuch F. Obesity in Morocco and Tunisia, countries in transition: situation, study and policy. IIIrd World Congress of Public Health Nutrition- 2nd Latin American Congress of Community Nutrition: 9-12 November 2014; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; [Abstract Published in: International Journal of Community Nutrition 2014, 0 (Supplement):164]

14. Alouane L, Karoui -Briki H. Les troubles alimentaires du malade Alzheimer accentuent-ils le fardeau de l'aidant principal ? Journées francophones de nutrition. Bruxelles 10-12 décembre 2014. [Abstract Published in: Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 2014, 28 (2011):S223-224 [JCR 2013 IF=0,435]?

15. Traissac P, Pradeilles R, El Ati J, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Delpeuch F, Maire B. Abdominal but not overall obese women: prevalence, environmental and socio-economic patterning in Tunisia. IIIrd World Congress of Public Health Nutrition- 2nd Latin American Congress of Community Nutrition: 2014; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; [Abstract Published in: International Journal of Community Nutrition 2014, 0 (Supplement):214-215].

Liste des articles parus 2015

1. Ben Slama F., Gaaloul Helali W., Ben Mami F., Ben Rayana M.C., Belhadj O., Aounallah Skhiri H. Correlations of Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein with Insulin, Leptin and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in a group of Diabetic Obese Tunisian Women. J Obes Weight Loss Ther, 2015, 5:5.

2. Doggui R., El Ati J. Iodine deficiency: Physiological, clinical and epidemiological features, and pre-analytical considerations. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 2015, 76(1):59-66.

3. Doggui R., EL Ati-Hellal M., El Ati J. Données analytiques et cliniques sur le dosage de l'iode urinaire. Annales de Biologie Clinique, 2015, 73 (1):31-32.

4. Doggui R., Ingrand J. L'immunodosage de la thyroxine libre : mise à jour analytique. Annales de Biologie Clinique, 2015, 73(2):199-211.

5. Doggui R., Ingrand J. Profil immuno-analytique de la tri-iodothyronine libre. Annales de Biologie Clinique, 2015, 73(2):212-220.

6. Fakhfakh R., Jaidane I., Hsairi M., Ben Hamida AM. Cigarette smoking initiation among Tunisian adolescents: Risk and protective factors. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 2015, 63(6):369-79.

7. GBD 2013 Risk Factors Collaborators (Hsairi M.). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet. 2015, 386(10010):2287-323.

8. GBD 2013 Risk Factors Collaborators (Hsairi M.). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition. The Lancet. 2015, 386(10009):2145-91.

9. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (El Ati J., Aounallah-Skhiri H. are members). Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331 288 participants. The Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 2015, 3(8):624-637.

10. Peltzer K, Supa Pengpid, Tony K. C. Yung, Hajer Aounallah-Skhiri, Rehana Rehman. Comparison of health risk behavior, awareness, and health bene?t beliefs of health science and non-health science students: An international study. Nursing and Health Sciences (2015), 1-8, doi: 10.1111/nhs.12242.

11. Traissac P., Aounallah-Skhiri H., El Ati J. Alternatives to principal component analysis to derive dietary patterns: the case for multiple correspondence analysis. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2015, 67:222.

12. Traissac P., El Ati J., Gartner A., Martin-Prével Y., Delpeuch F. Association of Soft Drink Consumption With Increased Waist Circumference Should Be Adjusted for Body Mass Index. J Nutr, 2015, 145(6):1370-1371.

13.Traissac P., Pradeilles R., El Ati J., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Eymard-Duvernay S., Gartner A., Béji C., Bougatef S., Martin-Prevel Y., Kolsteren P., Delpeuch F., Ben Romdhane H., Maire B. Abdominal vs. overall obesity among women in a nutrition transition context: geographic and socio-economic patterns of abdominal-only obesity in Tunisia. Population Health Metrics, 2015, 13(1):1-11.

14. Ben Gharbia H., Traissac P., Gartner A., Delpeuch F., El Ati J. Physical activity behaviors of obese and non-obese tunisian adolescents. Acta Physiologica, 2015, 214:50-51.

15. Traissac P, Aounallah-Skhiri H, El Ati J. Alternatives to principal component analysis to derive dietary patterns: the case for multiple correspondence analysis. 12th European Nutrition Conference - FENS 2015: 20-23 October 2015; Berlin, Germany, [Abstract Published in: Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2015, 67:222]

Liste des articles parus 2016

1. Benhassine A., Khadhra HB., Khiari H., Hsairi M., Elgaaied AB. Incidence Trend for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in the North Tunisian Population, 1998-2009. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016, 17(5):2513-8.

2. Bouchoucha M., Akrout M., Belleli H., Bouchoucha R., Ben Mansour A., Tarhouni F., Zouari B. Development and validation of a food photography manual, as a tool for estimation of food portion size in epidemiological dietary surveys in Tunisia. Libyan J Med, 2016, 11:32676. [IF=1.429]

3. Bouchoucha R., Ben Fradj MK., Bouchoucha M., Akrout M., Feki M., Kaabachi N., Raies A., Slimane H. Antihyperglycemic and Anti-Hyperlipidemic Effects of Lupinus albus in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Int J Pharmacol, 2016,12(8): 830-837.

4. Bouchoucha R., Ben Fradj MK., Bouchoucha M., Akrout M., Feki M., Kaabachi N., Raies A., Slimane H. Effect of Lupinus Albus on glycaemic control and insulin secretion and sensitivity in type 2 diabetics. J Food Nutr Res, 2016, 4(9):615-620. [IF=3.26]

5. Doggui R., El Ati-Hellal M., Traissac P., Lahmar L., El Ati J. Adequacy assessment of a universal salt iodization program two decades after its implementation. A national cross-sectional study of iodine status among school-age children in Tunisia. Nutrients, 2016. [IF=3.55]

6. Doggui R., El Ati-Hellal, M. El Ati J. Données actuelles sur l'analyse de l'iode urinaire et sur son intérêt Clinique. Ann Biol Clin, 2016, 74(2) :184-95.

7. Doggui R. Profil immuno-analytique de la delta- 4androstenèdione. Ann Biol Clin, 2016, 74(4):495-502.

8. El Ati-Hellal M, Doggui R, Hedhili A, Traissac P, El Ati J. Zinc and copper status in childbearing age Tunisian women: Relation to age, residential area, socioeconomic situation and physiologic characteristics. Chemosphere, 2016, 149:231-237.

9. Hsairi M. et al. Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980-2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet HIV, 2016, 3(8) :e361-87.

10. Hsairi M. et al. Health in times of uncertainty in the eastern Mediterranean region, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet Glob Health, 2016, 4(10):e704-13.

11. Khlifi S., Ben Jemaa H., Ben Hmad H., Abaza H., Karmous I., Abid A., Benzarti A., El Ati J., Aouidet A. Antioxidant, Antidiabetic and Antihyperlipidemic effects of Trigonella foenum-graecum Seed. Int J Pharmacol, 2016,12(3):394-400. [IF= 0.981]

12. Ma C., Kelishadi R., Hong YM., Bovet P., Khadilkar A., Nawarycz T., Krzywiska-Wiewiorowska M., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Zong X., Motlagh ME., Kim HS, Khadilkar V., Krzy?aniak A., Ben Romdhane H., Heshmat R., Chiplonkar S., Stawi?ska-Witoszy?ska B., El Ati J., Qorbani M., Kajale N., Traissac P., Ostrowska-Nawarycz L., Ardalan G., Parthasarathy L., Zhao M., Xi B. Performance of Eleven Simplified Methods for the Identification of Elevated Blood Pressure. Hypertension, 2016, 68:614-620. [IF=6.835]

13. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (El Ati J. & Aounallah-Skhiri H. are members). Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: a pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4.4 million participants. The Lancet, 2016, 387(10027):1513-1530. [IF=46.119]

14. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (El Ati J & Aounallah-Skhiri H. are members). Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants. The Lancet, 2016, 387(10026):1377-1396. [IF=46.119]

15. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (El Ati J & Aounallah-Skhiri H are members). A century of trends in adult human height. eLife, 2016, 5. [IF=8.533]

16. Peltzer K, Pengpid S, Yung TK, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Rehman R. Comparison of health risk behavior, awareness, and health benefit beliefs of health science and non-health science students: An international study. Nurs Health Sci, 2016, 18(2) :180-7.

17. Traissac P., El Ati J., Gartner A., Ben Gharbia H., Delpeuch F. Gender inequalities in excess adiposity and anemia combine in a large double burden of malnutrition gap detrimental to women in an urban area in North Africa. Public Health Nutr, 2016, 19(8) :1428-1437. [IF=2.904]

18. Traissac P., Pradeilles R., El Ati J., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Gartner A., Delpeuch F. Within-subject nonconcordance of abdominal vs. general high adiposity: definition and analysis issues. Br J Nutr, 2016, 116(3):567-568. [IF=3.710]

19. Xi B., Zong Xn., Kelishadi R., Hong YM., Khadilkar A., Steffen LM., Nawarycz T., Krzywi?ska-Wiewiorowska M., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Bovet P., Chiolero A., Pan H., Litwin M., Poh BK., Sung RYT., So H-K., Schwandt P., Haas G-M., Neuhauser HK., Marinov L., Galcheva SV., Motlagh ME., Kim HS., Khadilkar V., Krzy?aniak A., Ben Romdhane H., Heshmat R., Chiplonkar S., Stawi?ska-Witoszy?ska B., El Ati J., Qorbani M., Kajale N., Traissac P., Ostrowska-Nawarycz L., Ardalan G., Parthasarathy L., Zhao M., Zhang T. Establishing International Blood Pressure References Among Non-Overweight Children and Adolescents Aged 6-17 Years. Circulation, 2016, 133:398-408. [IF=16.202]